"What Can I Do To Reduce Inflammation?"

"What Can I Do To Reduce Inflammation?"

“What can I do to reduce inflammation?” is probably one of the most popular questions that I get from people! First things first, inflammation itself is not necessarily bad. In fact, inflammation is critical in our bodies to maintain our health, fight disease and heal cuts. However, excessive inflammation is where the problems can begin.

What happens when there is too much inflammation?

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Stress Eating? Take a Pause!

Stress Eating? Take a Pause!

Stress Eating and the Power of the Pause

We've all been there! We suddenly find ourselves munching endlessly and clutching a bag of chips. We're not entirely sure how we got there and, for some reason, we can’t seem to stop eating. Somehow, the chip bag became our kryptonite and we’ve been rendered powerless.

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5 Tips to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Uncertain Times

5 Tips to Reduce Stress and Anxiety in Uncertain Times

You don’t need me to tell you that you are coping with your own set of worries, concerns and anxieties. And, if you're like most people, you're working hard to find your balance each day.

I've talked with so many people over the past few months and there are some common themes. We're all coping with stress and uncertainty. Many of us have had major changes in our day to day life. Some of us are dealing with the Corona Creep on our waistlines. Some of us haven't exercised in months and feel it. Some of us are about ready to turn our homes upside down to get organized. Some of us are struggling with sadness, grief, and anxiety. Many of us are dealing with all of this and more.

Sadly, I don't have a magic wand to fix everything. But, I can offer you some tools on coping with anxiety and uncertainty.

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