New Year, New Habits! Looking to start some new habits? Try Habit Stacking.

Looking to make a change or start a new habit? Try habit stacking.

Habit stacking is when you pair a new habit with an established habit so you don't have to think about where or when you'll do it. You have already carved out the space and routine in your schedule.

What are some examples?

  • New Habit: 20 squats a day.

  • Habit Stack: When I stand up from your computer every day for a mid-morning break, I do 20 squats.

  • New Habit::Daily gratitude exercise.

  • Habit Stack:: While out for my daily walk, I take time to think of 5 things I'm grateful for today.

  • New Habit: Add an extra serving of vegetables.

  • Habit Stack: When I place a serving of veggies on plate at dinner, I take 2 servings instead of one.

Remember, the easier we make something, the more likely we are to do it! Most importantly, have fun as you play around with what works for you!

Want a partner in change, try a coaching session or one of our virtual programs.

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