5 Well-Being Boosters for Our New Normal

I have written and re-written this March post about ten times. Normally, since March is national nutrition month, I would chat about nutrition. But, right about now, all of us feel like we’re living in a snow globe and someone keeps shaking it. The news is moving fast. Our routines are changing fast. And, our emotions seem to cycle between fear, worry, numbness, calm and laughter. We are all adapting to our new normals and doing the best we can in odd situations.

We’ve heard a lot about washing our hands and social distancing. Don’t forget to keep your eye on some other keys to staying well too.

As we adapt, here are 5 Well-Being Boosters designed to keep all of us and our immune systems strong! Learn them. Live them!

1) Eat well. I know we’re stuck inside and we’re craving comfort food. But, be sure to fuel your body to for optimal performance.

Eat as many fruits and vegetables of all different colors that you can. There are lots of fresh veggies still in the markets. And, as of last weekend, the shelves at my local store still had some frozen fruits and veggies. Remember, frozen is a great substitute and sometimes more nutritious than fresh because it’s flash frozen right at the height of ripeness.

Drink water. With all of the anxiety running through us, our bodies are going to be excreting more fluid. It’s just how our stress response works. So, maintain your fluid intake with water, soups, and fruits and veggies all of which contain water.

You’re probably not going to like this recommendation from me right now but reduce your added sugars. I’m not talking about natural sugar found in fruits because this is accompanied by vitamins, minerals and fiber which are great for us. I’m referring to added sugars. Try to keep these to less than 24 g per day.

Toss garlic, ginger and lemon juice into foods. Bonus: you can freeze lemons and ginger too.

Dark chocolate (70% or more cacao). Have we ever needed chocolate more? Low in added sugar and packed with antioxidants, this will help to boost your mood and even lower your blood pressure. Toss some in grocery cart. Or, better yet, stay out of the stores and support a small business at the same time. Order your dark chocolate bars at La Cascade du Chocolate. They’re a small shop run by an old friend and his wife. You can be confident that the chocolate was made with love and it’s delicious!

2) Sleep. For many of us, our sleep is getting interrupted by the worries of the day. I get it. I’ve woken up more than usual too. But, sleep is absolutely essential for our immune systems to be strong. The body interprets a lack of sleep as stress which can suppress the immune system. So, try your best to practice good sleep hygiene - dim the lights 30 to 60 minutes before bed, turn off the news after a certain hour, no upsetting conversations before bed, and put your cell phone to bed 30 minutes before you go to bed. All of these steps can help you have a more peaceful slumber.

3) Move. Being active has never been more important! Being in our houses, telecommuting and even being quarantined does not mean doing nothing. Physical activity not only reduces our stress but it also boosts our immune system and our feel good hormones. Exercise will also help us sleep!

  • Head outside and get a walk, run, or bicycle. Just keep your distance from other people.

  • Inside? You can walk in place, do jumping jacks, planks, squats, calf raises, etc.

  • You can head to YouTube and find any workout. Yoga for kids may be especially good right now. Just be careful when selecting a workout that you choose one that is appropriate for your abilities. You don’t need an injury right now.

  • 1 Minute dance parties are another way to add a little cardio burst in your day.

  • If you’re telecommuting, be sure to stretch! Try standing up and walking around when you’re on a conference call.

  • When you’re watching TV, stretch, walk in place, do a set of push-ups or maybe go up and down the stairs every commercial.

4) Work to manage the stress and Connect with Others. I know this is tough right now but try to find moments in your day to shut down the noise. Hint: exercising is a great way to start.

  • Breathe. Meditate. You can try any of the meditation apps out there. Calm is one of my favorites!

  • Make your 20 second hand washings into a mindful moment in your day by taking deep breaths and concentrating on every little bit of hand washing - how does the soap feel? how does the water feel? Take deep breaths for those 20 seconds.

  • Social distancing doesn’t mean we have to be disconnected. Ironically, when we need each other most, the most loving thing we can do is stay away physically. But, this doesn’t we mean we have to be disconnected. Call, write, and video chat to connect with the people you love. I actually just “Virtually babysat” my 3 year old niece for 45 minutes via google hangouts. We colored and had snack time while my sister was able to hop on a conference call. And my niece and I had fun!

  • Put on some music. This is incredibly soothing for our bodies and minds. There are some hilarious social distancing playlists out there that will also make you laugh.

5) Stick to a schedule as much as possible. Humans like routines. And, right now, our routines are like that snow globe – turned upside down. So, create a routine within a very non-routine time. What time will you get up each day? What’s the plan when you do? What time will you start work? What time will you wake the kids up or what time will they go to sleep? (no judgement if bedtime is 2 hours earlier than usual) And, what time will you end work? One tip I’ve learned over the years as a small business owner is that you have to decide your hours so that you have times when you’re “off “ from work. This is essential to decompress and recharge your batteries for the next day.

That’ s all for now! Keep your eyes peeled for new tips and ideas! I’m sure over the coming days that I’ll be thinking of more tidbits so follow along on Instagram and/or facebook.

In the meantime, please listen to the scientists and practice social distancing. None of us like it but social distancing is an act of love. Love for your own loved ones and also for everyone else’s loved ones. We are all connected and in this together!

Stay safe. Stay well. Stay active. And of course, wash your hands! We will get through this!