Ready to roar in the 20s? Here are 5 simple tips to feel better today!

We’ve been welcoming in 2020 this week with a daily, easy to implement tip! After all, change doesn’t have to be complicated. And, the easier it is, the more we’ll do it.

Want to get started today on all 5? Here they are!

  1. Drink water. One of the biggest changes you can make for you mind and body is drinking enough water. After you read this, go grab a glass.

  2. Eat mindfully. Slow down. Sit down. I’m sure we’ve all noticed when we eat standing up, we almost feel like it didn’t happen. An easy way to reduce mindless eating and extra calories is to slow down, sit down and be present when you’re eating..

  3. Do 10 squats.. Any activity is good activity. If squats aren’t for you, simply put one foot in front of the other and take a walk.. No time? Do leg lifts while you’re cooking or calf raises while you’re brushing your teeth. Basically, get moving.

  4. Take a break for 2 minutes. You don’t have to be busy all the time. In fact, our brains need a break to allow for creativity and problem solving. Let yourself do absolutely nothing for a few minutes today. The dutch actually have a term for this, niksen. You may feel uncomfortable at first but you’ll notice a difference.

  5. Picture a stop sign. Most of us have had those moments where our thoughts start to spiral and our fears and anxieties increase. A wonderful friend of mine told me about this great trick. When you feel this happening, picture a stop sign to remind yourself to stay present and in the moment. Notice how this breaks the spiral and allows you to recenter yourself.

Of course, these are just 5 tips. What are other simple actions that you’d like to try to add to your day? If you need more ideas, check out our online programs starting this month.

Wishing you a happy and healthy new year!