How to Complete the Stress Cycle

Did you know our hearts beat approximately 100,000 beats every single day of our lives and pump about 5 liters of blood per minute? When we're exercising, our hearts can actually pump 15 to 20 liters of blood per minute. Pretty amazing for something that's the size of a fist, right?

Even though our hears are amazing just as they are, we can actually be a great team player and help our hearts work their magic. Sound nutrition is one way to help our hears. Use the I love My Heart Grocery List.

Another way that we can help our hearts is by completing the stress cycle. The book, Burnout, discusses the importance of completing the stress cycle to protect our health, especially our heart health.

What is the stress cycle? The cycle begins with a stressor like a a bear running after us. The body responds by releasing a surge of. stress hormones designed to help us fight or flee from the bear. Our heart rate increases, blood pressure increases, our body pumps more blood to our muscles, our brains shift to short term, here and now thinking and bodily systems like our digestion, reproduction and immune system slow down so that all energy goes towards running from the bear. Once we've outrun the bear, we stop running, feel safe again and our bodies return to their pre-stress state. The stress cycle is completed..

Completing the stress cycle means that our bodies get the signal to make the physiological shift out of the fight or flight stress response and into a more calm state. If we don't complete the stress cycle, the impact of the stressors and the stress hormones will build up over time and negatively impact our health.

Completeing the stress cycle isn’t complicated, here are some ways to complete the stress cycle!

  • Physical activity - Activity is probably the most efficient strategy to complete the stress cycle. Aim for 20 to 60 minutes per day.

  • Breathing - Try taking a deep breath in for 4 counts, hold your breath for 4 counts, exhale for 4 counts, and hold for 4 counts. Repeat 4 times.

  • Affection - Physical affection with a human or even a pet helps to complete the cycle. If you take your dog for a walk, you get exercise and affection. Research has shown a 20 second hug can actually complete the stress cycle. And, if you're hugging someone for 20 seconds, you probably like them so there's also connection.

  • Connection - This can be a positive interaction with your Starbucks barista or something like a great talk with a friend. The important piece is that it's positive.

  • Creative Self Expression - Activities like drawing, journaling, or singing all count.

  • Laughter - Laughing at a movie or even just remembering funny memories with an old friend are great ways to complete the stress cycle.

  • Good Ol' Cry - Yup, sometimes there's nothing like a good ol' cry to reset the system.

(Adapted from Burnout by Emily Nagoski, PhD. and Amelia Nagoski, DMA)

As I said, these aren't necessarily hard to do. Simply pick one or two that speak to you and be sure to complete your stress cycle every day! And, of course, don’t forget your heart health grocery list!