Stress Eating? Take a Pause!

Stress Eating and the Power of the Pause

We've all been there! We suddenly find ourselves munching endlessly and clutching a bag of chips. We're not entirely sure how we got there and, for some reason, we can’t seem to stop eating. Somehow, the chip bag became our kryptonite and we’ve been rendered powerless.

Wondering how to regain your power? First, cut yourself some slack and don’t judge yourself. This will only give the bag more power. Second, take a pause .

Never underestimate the power of a pause before you react, before you offer your opinion or before you choose a snack. We often make decisions without thinking, especially when it comes to snacking. Often, our emotions are making our decisions. At any given time, we all have lots of emotions swirling around in us. Some are good, some may be causing us stress and some may be ones that we’d rather not have. Sometimes, we may actually be trying stuff our emotions down by eating. Pausing and noticing what we’re feeling is often the key to reducing stress eating.

Before you reach for a snack next, take a pause and ask yourself the following questions:

  • What am I feeling physically? Am I tired? No energy? Stomach upset? Tense neck muscles?

  • What emotions am I feeling? Feel them. Name them. The simple act of naming an emotion can take away its power. You may even want to write it down. This simple act is powerful. Sometimes, we just have to feel an emotion, name it and sit with it. Often, when we do this, the emotions just float away.

  • Do I still want a snack or was it something else? Simply by asking and answering these questions, we often find that it wasn’t a snack that we were after at all. For instance, if you find that you’re anxious about how to get things done tomorrow, think about what may help you feel more prepared. Maybe write down a to do list? Maybe do something like prep your lunch so there is one less thing to do? By taking an active step, you can help reduce the stress and reduce your snacking.

    Now if you've done this exercise and you still want a snack, go for it and enjoy it! You now know that you made a conscious choice and you’re not just reaching for something out of habit, boredom or stress.

Want to work on this or other habits this spring? Simply reach out and schedule a coaching session!